Had to send my soildlight front dynamo lamp back for a free upgrade. Just fitted it back on.
Paid extra to have it modified to 1203DR spec so it now has a feed to the rear lamp. Good service as well I only sent it on Tuesday and it was back Friday am!
I've got a Schmidt Hub attached to a B&M front light. How easy would it be to wire up a back one? I'm crap at electrics :-(.
Ill have a read on Audax UK. I have a spare rear mudgard mounted dynamo lamp with LEDS in it rather than a bulb, will need both a feed and a return I think as earthing via the frame might not work
What I casn't work out iswhere the feed to the rear light should come from - straight off the dynamo or via the front light? Apparently I need to consider whether it is in parallel or series. I've got one of those mudguards with a built-in dynamo light (bulb) & electrical connectors so I guess this acts as an earth as well.
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